Children’s health in the digital age

The impact of digital technology on children cannot be ignored, but it can be used to develop a child

Today psychologists are unanimous in the opinion that digital technology has a huge impact on the child. Whether we like it or not, today’s technology is completely disrupting the way we think about the world around us.

While parents argue about how mobile devices affect their children’s social, emotional and physical spheres, children themselves can no longer imagine their lives without these devices. Psychologists, for their part, wonder how to use this influence of mobile devices for child development.

Most researchers agree that there are both advantages and disadvantages in the use of smartphones by children, and at the same time argue about how digital technology can change the lives of future generations. Despite this, scientists highlight several ways to keep children physically and mentally healthy in the digital age. Let’s take a closer look at them.

  1. limit your child’s cell phone use time

When parents manage their child’s cell phone time, they help them find healthier activities for themselves. This is how children achieve a balance between technology use and real human interaction.

  1. Encourage physical activity.

Excessive time spent in front of a computer screen or smartphone leads to a lack of physical activity, overweight and other negative consequences. Encourage your child to spend more time engaging in physical activity.

3. Pay attention to your child’s mental state

Psychologists see a link between the popularity of social media and mobile technology and rising rates of depression, anxiety and suicide attempts. Parents who are aware of the symptoms of mental illness and childhood trauma can help their child more quickly when needed.

  1. Teach your child how to cope with stress

The biggest problems come not from digital technology itself, but from the pressure it puts on children and the great acceleration of their pace of life. The use of social media results in children always being available to peers and comparing themselves to others. When parents teach their child meditation techniques and other ways to reduce stress, they can improve their mental health and overall well-being.

  1. Motivate your child to connect more with friends

It’s easy to think that social media empowers your child to connect and make friends with their peers. However, there is a growing sense of loneliness among today’s children and teens. Parents should involve their children in mass activities that will provide the child with peer interaction.

  1. Explore health-related Internet resources

There is a lot of information available on the Internet today about a child’s physical and mental health. Using them, you can research your child’s symptoms of anxiety or depression and learn about how to prevent these disorders.

  1. Use smartphone apps

There are smartphone apps that help parents and children adhere to a healthy lifestyle. Children can share these apps with each other, challenge themselves, etc.

  1. Set rules for your child’s behavior before bedtime

Research is finding more and more evidence that using cell phones in the bedroom shortens their sleep time. However, sleep is essential for children. Set rules for the whole family: for example, leave cell phones in a certain place outside the bedroom.

  1. Tell your child about cell phone distraction and staying safe

When a person uses a cell phone, it takes their attention away from other things. For example, if a teen is distracted by his or her phone while driving, it will greatly increase the risk of an accident. Children need to understand that their health and safety is more important than talking on the phone.

  1. Explain to your child that using digital technology does not always mean high productivity

Research shows that advances in digital technology do not always translate into increased productivity. In fact, in most developed countries, productivity has declined with the advent of smartphones. Smartphones may make our daily lives easier, but they don’t make us more efficient. Your child’s productivity and success depends on his or her ability to achieve results, as well as your feedback and support.

11. Explain to your child the rules of online behavior

As your child gets older, you should talk to them about what personal information can and cannot be shared online, what is acceptable online and what is not, and how to discuss important topics on social media. It is important for your child to keep his or her own safety in mind when communicating with their peers online.

  1. Develop human qualities in your child

As digital technology advances, children’s experience of real communication with their peers decreases. Give your child the opportunity to play, be creative, and be curious about the world around them.

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